
Senin, 19 September 2011

Fishing Star

Here I sit upon the Moon,
Whistling my merry tune
Which gets lost, quick, into the air
As I sway my fishing rod with care.

I hook a star, shining bright:
I steal a sliver of the night.
But I can?t keep it, woe is me!
The night is young and the stars are free,

So I fish again, without relent,
Not mourning a single moment spent
Here on my Moon, such a pretty old thing
As I rob starlight with my string.


Everyone knows you can't fish for stars.. You can’t go to catch them. I just wondered and tried to collect them all.

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Daydream Collide
Everytime I Turn Her On

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

In Memoriam with Mbah Tukiyat

Kejadiannya terjadi begitu cepat. Kabar estafet itu pun sampai juga ke Jakarta. Jumat siang ketika masih di kantor, dapet telepon dari Rita, adikku bahwa Mbah Tukiyat baru saja meninggal dunia. Gleg…aku langsung terdiam, masih ga percaya. Pada akhirnya aku harus mengikhlaskan beliau menghadap sang Khalik.

Ini masih bulan Syawal, hari pertama bulan itu aku masih bersama beliau dan  sempat sungkem saling bermaaf-maafan dan mendoakan buat kesehatan beliau. Setelah itu kemudian bersama keluarga besar merayakan Hari Raya Idhul Fitri.

Mulanya aku mendapat berita bahwa beliau sempat jatuh dan tulang pada bagian kakiya harus ditangani di RS Ortopedi di Solo. Berangkatlah mbah ditemani keluarga ke Solo dan menginap di rumahku. Aku di Jakarta. Selang seminggu Mbah sudah meninggal dunia.

Sekarang aku hanya tinggal di kost saja, berdoa dan selalu mengupdate kabar Mbah yang rencananya akan disemayamkan hari ini Sabtu, 17 September 2011 pukul 11:00.




Melalui tulisan ini, aku ikut mendoakanmu selalu Mbah. Selamat jalan Mbah Tukiyat, aku berharap tulisan ini seakan ikut bersama keluarga lain yang mengantar hingga ke pemakaman.


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Pengakuan Aku Ikan Sapu-Sapu yang Nyasar

Flight From Past To Present

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Selalu Menghibur

Bakal kangen suasana kelas seperti ini…


Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Your 22nd Birthday & Our 2nd Anniversary

Ulang tahun ini jadi berasa emosional. Kamu bulan besok harus move to Jakarta. Real life will soon depart. I’m sad to see you go, but i’d rather be alone so i’ll drag this anchor up cause our dreams don’t turn to dust.
*musik Owl City – Dream Dont Turn to Dust mengalun dari kejauhan*
So…Happy Birthday My Lady. It’s your 22nd and Happy Anniversary to Us. It’s our 3rd year.
Time together is just never quite enough when we’re apart. I give you a big bear to accompany you in your new place.
Udah lah, tidak boleh ngomongin masalah pribadi terlalu banyak di blog. Thats it.
Have a great day folks!
Find your passion in your career.

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Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Belajar Acak dan Melata Corporation

Hell yeah!
Aku sudah berusaha buat tidur jam 2 tadi dan sudah kuijinkan mataku yang telah berat ini untuk menutup hingga akhirnya adzan subuh menjadi peluit buatku untuk menyudahi perjuanganku untuk tertidur. Sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan ketika kau sedang berusaha menenangkan otakmu setelah berjibaku dengan materi ujian semester semalam. Pikiran sudah kucel namun mata masih berbinar jernih tanpa mengantuk sedikitpun. Caffein yang kuteguk telah membunuhku.
Sesuatu yang random yang sering aku dapati ketika belajar ujian adalah :
  • Pertama aku langsung menembak buat balajar soal-jawab –> bingung dengan rumus yang tercantum pada penyelesaian –> buka textbook –> belajar example problem dari textbook –> berpikir contoh soal ini gak bakal keluar ujian dan berpikir untuk menelan mentah2 rumus yang ada. Confused smile
  • Pelajaran moral yang aku dapat ketika duduk di bangku SMP : “Ketika belajar jangan pernah melayani pikiran-pikiran atau hal-hal kecil yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan yang dipelajari”. Teori! susah juga buat dilakukan! Ada saja yang diperbuat seperti ngupilPointing up, mondar-mandir, dan ini yang bahaya : Online. Facebook, twitter, lowongan pekerjaan (tsaaaah!). Aku sarankan matikan semua hal yang erat kaitannya dengan dunia maya untuk kebaikan belajar. Berpikirlah untuk kebaikan duniawi dulu lah kawan.
  • Tertidur ketika sedang menggebu-gebu buat belajar dan terjaga ketika menggebu-gebu buat tertidur.
Doakan dapet IP 4 ya semester ini, aku membutuhkan nilai itu untuk perjuanganku selanjutnya nih, karir. Aku berharap banyak dari ujian semester terakhirku ini.
Oh ya, berhubung Melata Corporation ada Ari yang sudah kerja, Dito yang lagi ramai diinterview, Rejonk yang sibuk memperjuangkan menjadi Abang None Jakarta 2011, artinya sudah susah sekali buat kumpul komplit. Maka agenda foto bersama Melata Corporation menjadi agenda yang penting dan mendesak.
Maaf beribu maaf buat Rejonk yang tidak ada di foto ini. Beliau masih di Jakarta waktu pemotretan ini. Tidak ada muatan kepentingan berbau perpecahan. Kita sampai kakek-kakek gendut jelek nanti tetap berdelapan! Melata!
Melata (4)
Top Manager Suju Fried Chicken Hot smile
Melata (1)
Eksklusif banget!Thumbs up

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Aku Presiden Melata

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Daydream Collide

Fluid in my body was so turbulent very high when you went through an open door. You vanished and I can’t see you anymore. Your shadow diffuses through membrane soul.

The wind and the rain smell of oil and octane mixed with stale gasoline. I’ll soak up the sound trying to sleep on the wet ground. Cold integrity keeps me lay awake.

I take a long hard look through my textbook again. My head feels like it’s ready to blow. I served and scratched a rainbow. So curved, I felt the pain go.

Sad shadow was decorated with continous smile, but behind there is a light shade that could spread of million joules of energy. So radiate till turn the turbines of my heart.

I wish I could cross my arms and cross your mind 'cause I believe compassion as catalyst will reduce the residence and speed up our dreams.

I don’t care what Perry, Mc Cabe, Geankoplis, Brownell, Coulson, Smith, Van Ness said on our love reactor design. So we perfectly converted efficiently. But, I was busy with Unit Operations.

It hurts just to wake up whenever you are. Alone on the outside, so tired of looking in. The end is uncertain and I've never been so afraid. But I don't need a telescope to see that there's hope and that makes me feel brave.


PS : The more I think about it, the more I’ll bet things like this happen all the time and none of us know about it.


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Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

I Am Not Hero

“I’m only a man,
In a funny red sheet.
I’m only a man,
Looking for a dream.
I’m only a man,
In a funny red sheet.
And it’s not easy…
Its not easy to be…me.”
(Five for Fighting - Superman)

For the first time in my whole time blogging, I tried to write a blog in english. Any comments related to grammar mistakes, vocabulary will not be approved (Tssaaaaaah…). Okey, I have Oxford dictionary and little help from Google Translate. This writing begins after watching The Green Hornet, the weirdest superhero movie I've ever seen.

If I had allowed to rate this movie so I can surely say that if Superman, Batman, Spiderman, X-Men includes superhero class A  then The Green Hornet is superhero class B.
Superheroes are heroes who make even bigger splashes. I grew up watching movies, following the exploits of Superman, Batman, Spiderman, the X-Men, and others of their ilk. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a superhero. Superman was my favorite (still is), but others were good too. I used to wore praying sarong at my back so as Superman costume .

Jubah Sarung (Ilustrated by ~inderkmprt)
Perhaps being superhero is impossible, but there are plenty of real-world superheroes. Firefighters and police officers are heroes. Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals are heroes. Teachers are heroes. 
The thing that has always stuck with me about superheroes is the lonely life they lead. Both in movies and the real world, superheroes are often alone. Dedicated to their work, dedicated to humanity as a whole, they sacrifice their personal relationships and friendships. They love the whole world, which prevents them from getting too close to individuals.
Do you think the Superman ever gets lonely? Do you think, in the darkest night, he reaches his hand out, searching for a lover that has never been there? Do you wonder if he misses having grandkids to bounce on his knee, or just a friend to sit on the front porch and drink black coffee with? 
Ilustrated by :
It must be lonely to be a superhero, even an enlightened one.
I think that’s why I identify with superheroes, both in comic books and in real-life. I feel their pain. I know what it means to be lonely, to be different, to be an outsider. I know what it means to be misunderstood, to be taken for granted. I know what it means to be excluded, to be on the outside looking in on life. Oh yes, I know these things intimately. It’s just about the only thing I have ever known in my life.
And I think, maybe I’m just meant to be lonely. I’m not a superhero, but maybe, like them, I am meant to love humanity as a whole instead of individually. Maybe I should give up on romantic love, and just share spiritual love with all my brothers and sisters around the world. To spread the love of the divine through teaching or spreading loving kindness or doing good deeds for people in need. To show people that we are all children of the same Universe.
Maybe that’s what I’m supposed to do, but I lack the courage and the strength to be a superhero. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I’m tired of being isolated, of being excluded. I’m tired of being left behind and watching everyone else having fun from a distance.

Love Always

-= Yudie =-

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Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

[Pict] KKN Tanggap Merapi Minggu ke-4

# Become keynote speech of Verticulture

# Semangat berbagi ilmu
KKN Vertikultur

# Give a lesson in 3rd Class, full of boisterous child
KKN - Semangat Mengajar

# Sahabat tim KKN
KKN Anak-anak Desa Banyuadem Magelang

 # Ketangkep basah
KKN Srumbung Bangkit

# Merapi’s Charisma Phase 5
KKN Beauty of Merbabu

# Anak-anak ini lagi
KKN Banyuadem waktu malem

# Perpisahan dengan adik-adik TPA Banyuadem
KKN adik-adik TPA Banyuadem

# Pulang dari ngajar ngaji
KKN pulang mengajar ngaji

# dan masih sempat foto-foto

# Nonton bareng

# KKN Merapi’s original recipe - toast and roasted cassava

# Berkemas pulang

# Anak-anak SD Banyuadem
KKN Anak-anak SD Banyuadem

# At least the photo of us ^_^
KKN Desa banyuadem magelang 2011

Thanks to Dunga for some of the great captures photos.

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[Pict] KKN Tanggap Merapi Minggu ke-3
[Pict] KKN Tanggap Merapi Minggu ke-2
[Pict] KKN Tanggap Merapi Minggu ke-1

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

[Pict] KKN Tanggap Merapi Minggu ke-3

# SS Muntilan

# What are you looking at?

# Lost no more with our homemade junction arrow
KKN Pembuatan papan arah jalan

# Bareng Bapak Ibu Kades
KKN Desa Banyuadem bareng Kades Banyuadem

# Lomba Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

# Sabar Bu’… Sabar ngadepin anak itu harus sabar

# Ada apa dengan mulut anak-anak kecil itu??

# Some of the winner

# Merapi’s Charisma phase 3

# Anak-anak Merapi 1

# Anak-anak Merapi 2

# Anak-anak Merapi 3

# Anak-anak Merapi 4

# Anak-anak Merapi 5

# Merapi’s Charisma phase 4

[to be continued…on 4th week]

Happy Couple

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